Transform your people problems into possibilities.

Assessment Coaching

Discover Insights and develop your people.

Strong Tower Group has partnered with TTI Success Insights, a world leader in research-backed assessment tools, to help you maximize your employee talent and engagement. Our coaches provide breakthrough assessments and proven tools to help you impact the lives of your leaders, your teams and your organization.

maximize the strong assessment

The Right Tools for the right impact.

TTI Success Insights assessments create cohesion in the workplace as well as make performance management, employee evaluation and employee development easy. Strong Tower Group uses TTI’s research-backed, award-winning behavioral assessments for employees and leaders to bring the performance and team insights your organization needs to thrive.

“Everyone is a diamond in the rough until they discover their uniqueness and find a career or relationship that needs it.”

— BILL J. BONNSTETTER, Founder of TTI Success Insights



30 years

90 Countries
7000 experts


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    “[My coach] changed my life. He was transformational for me – I was unaware of my victim mentality and scarcity mindset, and he helped me change this. [My coach] helped me move from a human doing to a human being.”

    – Confidential Coaching Client

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    ”He does all the right things to unlock your heartstrings. He has a very high EQ – I don’t know anyone who operates at his level. Taught me how to deal with drama and the human aspect. [My coach] is very patient… it is a sage space.”

    - Confidential Coaching Client

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    “He really helped me to better regulate and manage my emotions in high pressure situations and complex dynamics. He helps point out self-awareness. [My coach] keeps me humble.”

    - Confidential Coaching Client

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    “[My coach] has the most wisdom of any coach I have worked with. “

    - Confidential Coaching Client

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    “In the short time we've worked together, I've experienced remarkable personal growth that has profoundly impacted my life. I highly recommend [my coach] to anyone seeking to enhance their leadership abilities and achieve their personal and professional goals.

    - Confidential Coaching Client

Uncover the “How” Behind Your “Why”

DISC is an assessment that measures four separate factors: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. Put simply, the DISC assessment measures how a person does what they do. The DISC profile creates a language around observable behavior, which in turn improves communication, engagement, and self-development.

Reveal the Passion Behind the Person

12 Driving Forces is an assessment that measures why a person does what they do; it defines and identifies what motivates people. It measures the motivation (and strength) behind behaviors, using 6 different motivators. Those motivators are Knowledge, Utility, Surroundings, Others, Power, and Methodologies. These 6 motivators are each divided into two distinct ways of measuring each factor. Based on a continuum, these 12 drivers make up a person’s cluster of Driving Forces. 12 Driving Forces is a valuable assessment at every level of an organization, from entry-level workers to executives.

Uncover Self-Development and Improvement

EQ is an emotional intelligence assessment that uses five factors to measure an individual’s emotional quotient (EQ). Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of acumen of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity. Utilizing this assessment in your organization will help your team discover how to improve EQ and assist with areas like employee engagement, workplace communication and conflict, hiring and benchmarking, personal and professional development, and the new demand for ‘soft skills’.

Identify top personal skills

Competencies is an assessment tool that can help define if an individual has the skills needed for a specific job. This report can ensure two things: right fit and job satisfaction. It gives you honed-in insight to the skills and potential challenges of your team members and potential hires. You can maximize the potential of your employees by using Competencies to ensure they are using their strongest skills to deliver high performance.

start fortifying your team today.